LoveFone review

Read our expert opinion on Lovefone. We rate the company, based on delivery, customer service and payment speed, and share what real customers think.

Our rating for Lovefone

London-based Lovefone specialises in fixing up and mending phones. Not only does it offer a mobile repair service, most handsets that it buys will be refurbished and sold on through its shop too.

Currently, it only buys iPhones, but accepts them in a variety of conditions - including handsets with cracked screens or lots of scuffs and scratches. Unlike some recyclers, however, Lovefone won't purchase phones with liquid damage, broken Touch ID, or ones that won't switch on.

Free postage is available, as are free returns if your initial quote is revised once Lovefone test your handset.  

As for payment, you can choose either bank transfer or PayPal. The company will send bank transfers within one working day of receiving your device, but PayPal payments may take a little longer.