We always willing to hear from recyclers who want to be listed on CompareMyMobile, Here's what we need to know to start the process.
If you represent a recycling company and want to be listed on our website, please send an email to: support@sellmymobile.com with all the below questions answered.
Applications apply to both SellMyMobile.com and CompareMyMobile.com.
- Link to website:
- Company name:
- Company registration number:
- Link to company page on Companies House:
- Year of incorporation:
- Registered address:
- Address where devices will be received:
- Average number of devices purchased per month:
- Last financial year turnover (£):
- Number of employees / device technicians:
- Primary contact name:
- Primary contact job title:
- Primary contact email address:
- Primary contact office number:
- Primary contact mobile number:
- Secondary contact name:
- Secondary contact job title:
- Secondary contact email address:
- Secondary contact office number:
- Secondary contact mobile number:
- Customer service email address:
- Customer service phone number:
- Payment methods offered (e.g. cheque, bank transfer, PayPal):
- Postage methods offered (e.g. freepost bag, freepost label, customer posts themselves):
- Quote on site is valid for how many days? (e.g. 14 days):
- How fast do you issue payment? (e.g same day):
- Free shipping, yes or no? (and how much does it cost):
- Free returns, yes or no (and how much does it cost):
- Data removal, yes or no:
- Please attach a minimum of three pictures of your office and workspace:
- Anything else you feel we should be aware of not already covered in this application: